8 Great Dog Breeds for Allergy Sufferers


Poodles are intelligent, friendly, and they come in various sizes. Plus, their curly coats produce less dander, making them perfect

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Bichon Frise

Known for their fluffy white coats, Bichon Frises are hypoallergenic and have a playful personality, making them great companions 

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Maltese dogs are small, gentle, and hypoallergenic. Their long, silky hair sheds minimally, reducing allergens in your home.

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Portuguese Water Dog

These energetic and friendly dogs have a non-shedding coat that's perfect for allergy sufferers. Plus, they love being around water!

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Basenjis are known as the "barkless dog" and have a short, easy-to-maintain coat that sheds minimally, making them a great choice

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Schnauzers come in different sizes and have a wiry coat that sheds minimally. 

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Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus have a luxurious coat that doesn't shed much, making them ideal for allergy sufferers. They're also affectionate 

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Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkies are small in size but big in personality. Their silky coats shed very little, making them a popular choice.

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10 Well-Known Dog Breeds That Are Adorably Adorable