9 Unknown Facts About African Wild Dogs

Meet the Pack

African wild dogs are highly social animals, living in packs led by an alpha pair.

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Endangered Species

Sadly, African wild dogs are endangered, with only about 6,000 left in the wild.

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Incredible Hunters

African wild dogs are skilled hunters, using teamwork and strategy to bring down prey.

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Distinctive Markings

Each African wild dog has a unique coat pattern, like a fingerprint, aiding in identification.

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Fast and Agile

These canines are swift runners, capable of reaching speeds up to 44 mph (70 km/h).

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Extensive Territories

African wild dogs roam vast territories, sometimes covering areas as large as 1,500 square miles (3,900 square kilometers).

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Complex Communication

They communicate through various vocalizations, including yips, whines, and growls.

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Matriarchal Societies

Contrary to many other canids, African wild dog packs are often led by a dominant female, the alpha female.

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Frequent Reproduction

The alpha female typically gives birth to litters of 2 to 20 pups, with the entire pack assisting in raising them.

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