Top 7 Signs of Anxiety in Dogs and Puppies


Excessive pacing or inability to relax can indicate anxiety in your dog. Observe their behavior closely.

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Excessive Barking or Whining

Continuous barking or whining, especially in unfamiliar situations, may signal your dog's distress.

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Digestive Issues

Diarrhea, vomiting, or loss of appetite can be physical manifestations of your dog's anxiety.

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Destructive Behavior

Chewing on furniture, shoes, or other items when left alone can be a sign of separation anxiety.

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Avoidance or Hiding

If your dog seeks isolation or hides in unusual places, it might be trying to cope with anxiety

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Excessive Panting or Drooling

Unexplained panting or drooling, especially when not hot or after exercise, could indicate stress.

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Aggression or Withdrawal

Anxiety can manifest as aggression towards people or other animals, or as withdrawal from social interaction.

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