Top 7 Signs Your Dog Thinks of You as Their Main Provider

Tail Wagging

A wagging tail when you arrive? Your dog's way of saying 'You're my everything!

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Follows You Everywhere

Your shadow? Your dog! Following your every step means they trust you for everything.

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Brings You Gifts

From socks to sticks, gifts mean 'You provide for me, so here's a token of my appreciation.

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Looks to You for Reassurance

In uncertain situations, your dog looks to you. They trust your judgment.

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Sleeps by Your Side

Sharing the bed? Your dog feels safest by your side.

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Eager for Mealtime

When they can't wait for mealtime, it's because they know you'll feed them.

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Seeks Comfort from You

When scared or hurt, your dog seeks comfort from you. You're their safe place.

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10 Well-Known Dog Breeds That Are Adorably Adorable