Training Tips for Successfully Potty Your Dog

Establish Routine

Set regular feeding and potty times. Dogs thrive on routine, making training easier.

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Positive Reinforcement

Reward your dog with treats and praise when they potty outdoors. Positive reinforcement encourages good behavior.

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Supervise Vigilantly

Keep a close eye on your dog indoors, especially after meals or naps. Prevention is better than cleanup!

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Use Command Words

Teach your dog specific cues for pottying, like 'go potty' or 'do your business.' Consistency helps them understand.

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Designated Potty Area

Choose a spot outside where you want your dog to potty consistently. Their scent will encourage them to return.

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Stay Patient

Accidents are part of the process. Stay patient and avoid punishment, which can confuse your dog.

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Clean Accidents Thoroughly

Remove traces of accidents indoors with enzymatic cleaners. Dogs are attracted to their scent.

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Monitor Water Intake

Control your dog's water intake, especially before bedtime, to minimize nighttime accidents.

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